If you’ve been searching for an electrician in Queensland lately, chances are that you might have come across the term “Master Electrician”.
Have you ever wondered what a Master Electrician is?
More importantly, have you ever thought about how Master Electricians differ from other electricians?
Well, in this article, we’ll put those questions to rest. We’ll lay out exactly what a Master Electrician is, the strict standards they adhere to, and how these standards act as a pinnacle of excellence for servicing your electrical appliances.
Let’s begin!
What Is A Master Electrician?
A Master Electrician is an electrician accredited by Master Electricians Australia (MEA), which certifies electricians who have proven themselves capable of delivering safe and professional services, while adhering to excellence and ethics in the electrical industry.
Master Electricians, simply put, are electrical contractors that have chosen to be assessed for their ability to provide top-rate electrical services and top-notch electrical advice to their customers.
Well then, you might ask: “How comprehensive is this assessment, and why does it matter?” We’re glad you asked.
Master Electricians Have At Least Three Active Service Years
Electricians who wish to become certified Master Electricians must pass the first prerequisite of the MEA, which is that they must prove that they have spent at least three active service years in the electrical industry.
While this means that not all electricians can become Master Electricians (for example, entry-level electricians), it does mean that any Master Electrician that you encounter that has been certified by the MEA has at least 3 years of real electrical experience under his/her belt.
That way, you know that the experience of the Master Electrician is guaranteed, because of the strict requirements of the MEA.
Master Electricians Know How To Implement An Approved Safety Management System
If you’ve ever done some renovations to your house before, you might have come across the term “approved safety management system”.
What does it mean?
An approved safety management system is a set of Safety Policies and Electrical Standards by the Queensland Government that outline how electrical operations should be installed safely.
Electrical installations are dangerous if mishandled, so this is an important prerequisite to MEA certification.
Should electrical contractors wish to become a Master Electrician, they’d first have to prove that they’re knowledgeable in the successful implementation of any approved safety management system and have successfully installed that system in their projects.
This means that when you hire a Master Electrician, you’re getting an expert electrician who is backed by a world-class safety system.
Voltora Master Electricians
Your home deserves a Master Electrician to deliver first-rate services while being professional, reliable and safe. Voltora Industries are Accredited Master Electricians and are ready to provide your electrical needs. Click here to get a complimentary quote on your installation right now. No hidden charges!
Master Electricians Have To Go Through A Comprehensive Course
The MEA takes its accreditation very seriously, and rightly so, considering electrical installations can be deadly if mishandled, as this statistic from the Electrical Incident Safety Report 2015-16 by the Department of Commerce and Energy Safety shows.
Aspiring Master Electricians have to go through a comprehensive assessment that is designed to help them measure and benchmark their performance in six key areas of the craft.
- MEMBERSHIP – you’ll be a ‘Financial’ Master Electricians member, with a good credit history, and subscribe to the Master Electricians Code of Ethics.
- SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – you’ll be an active user of a recognised safety system, such as ME Safety.
- STAFF SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES – you’ll have points awarded for maintaining staff licenses and performing regular assessments to ensure your staff are fit for work.
- PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT – your professional conduct and image will be assessed and to ensure you’re improving all the time.
- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – you’ll attend relevant training courses and participate in industry events.
- BUSINESS PLANNING – you’ll have a business plan and review process.
These modules form a total of 100 points, where a minimum of 60 points is required within 12 months to become an Accredited Master Electrician.
Our customers can rest easy, knowing that the Master Electricians that we hire have been trained and assessed by the rigorous criteria of the MEA.
Voltora Is Certified So You Can Rest Easy
Voltora’s Master Electricians have gone through strict assessments conducted by the MEA to become accomplished electricians. You can have peace of mind when we help you with your electrical installations or repairs. Contact us today to get a complimentary electrical check-up of your home right now.
Master Electricians Are Regularly Audited
Once a Master Electrician has received their certification from the MEA, it doesn’t mean that their certification is guaranteed.
Master Electricians must also pass strict annual safety and quality audits conducted by the MEA, and failure in any criteria might result in a strict warning, or even worse, having their license revoked by the MEA.
In addition, the MEA will follow up on customer complaints, if any, against the Master Electrician, and hold these Master Electricians accountable.
That means when you hire a Master Electrician, you’re hiring not just an electrician but guaranteed good work that has been screened and tested for consistency and professionalism every single year.
Experts in Energy Efficiency
In addition to being experts in electrical installation and repairs, Master Electricians are experts in Energy Efficiency.
Because Master Electricians are backed by years of training in the field and have undergone a thorough assessment by the MEA, the knowledge that a Master Electrician has in Energy Efficiency is more comprehensive than your average electrician.
Master Electrician members are given access to expert industry advice, training and services to maintain their high standards, which means that you get the best knowledge and information that’s out there in the industry today.
MEA also judges Master Electricians on their ability to offer knowledgeable energy efficiency advice to their customers while on the field, so you can be assured that they’ll have some great tips to share about maximising your energy use at home.
The Voltora Advantage
Voltora’s Master Electricians have a wealth of electrical efficiency tips to share with customers just like you, so you can get the most value out of your electrical system. We offer more than just installation assistance with our services, providing valuable service and support to set up your home the right way too.
Ethical Standards Are High
With a singular, clear list like the Code of Ethics governing the Master Electrician, this means that when you hire a Master Electrician, you’re hiring someone who has agreed to abide by these rules of professionalism whenever they are handling your project.
Voltora Proudly Abides By The Code Of Ethics
Voltora Industries is a proud member of the MEA, and stands by its Code of Ethics. We’re professional, courteous, and uphold our standards with every single project we take on.
Work Guaranteed
Work done by Master Electricians is work guaranteed. This is because the MEA requires that all Master Electricians guarantee their work for at least 12 months after the installation, as laid out in the Code of Ethics.
The quality of work that you receive from a Master Electrician, therefore, is going to be top-notch and reliable.
When you work with Voltora, we promise great work, a winning personality, and top-notch work backed by a 12-month guarantee.
Master Electricians Equal Safe Work
When you choose to work with a Voltora Master Electrician, you can expect safe work practices and high standards.
Unsafe switchboards can lead to fire, electric shock and potentially death. If an electrician isn’t experienced, the failure to check for appropriate telltale signs of faulty electrical setups can be fatal.
When a Master Electrician is on-site, they will provide a free 10-point visual safety check of your home’s switchboard.
Your Master Electrician will discuss with you any electrical safety issues requiring urgent attention and things you might like to consider for the future.
Your Home Deserves The Best Electrical Setup
At the end of the day, your home is your haven. It should not only be comfortable but also safe.
That’s why we recommend that you only work with Master Electricians, to ensure that you get the best quality of service that sparkies in Queensland can provide.
If you’re wondering how you can identify a Master Electrician, the most obvious way is to see if the provider you are working with features the MEA icon:
This needs to be an Accredited Master Electrician logo.
Otherwise, you can always ask the provider for a license, or for an MEA accreditation.
Work With Voltora Master Electricians Today
Voltora Industries is the electrician of choice for many north Brisbane customers. Featuring Master Electricians who are experts in their craft, we follow the strict standards of MEA and hold our work in the highest regard.
If you’re looking for expert Master Electricians who are deeply passionate about providing the best level of care and top-notch electrical work, speak to Voltora today, and we’ll take care of both you and your electrical needs.
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