There are 2 main differences between string inverters and micro inverters.


During the course of the day, obstructions can happen, whether be it a cloudy day, dirt, or shade from a nearby tree. How your solar system reacts to these obstructions is where the difference lies.

With microinverters, only the individual panel is affected, while the others keep performing to their fullest. This might equate to more solar power and greater energy savings as a whole, since the rest of your solar system is still relatively unaffected by the obstruction.

On the other hand, a string inverter system can only perform as well as its lowest-performing panel. Therefore, if shade or a pile of leaves hinders one panel’s performance, every other panel operates at the same diminished capacity.

This does not mean that one is better than the other, though. The important thing is to conduct a thorough, expert check on your property and its surroundings to foresee any potential obstructions, and to decide on the best inverter to install.

Voltora Solar Specialists do this for you in detail, so that we can suggest the best solution that suits your unique property.


String Inverters have more rigid design than Microinverters, in that they are restricted to string sizing on your roof, and require a minimum system size of 8 panels. String Inverters also require a DC and AC design.

A Microinverter, on the other hand, features a more flexible design, because they do not come in string sizing, and offers multiple configuration options in terms of layout. Microinverters also are an all-AC design.

Again, it does not mean that either inverters are better than the other – it all depends on your unique property conditions and requirements. Voltora Solar Specialists can conduct a free visit to your property at a convenient time for you to assess the right inverter for your solar system.

Want to find out which inverter is best for your solar system? Click here to speak to a Voltora Solar Specialist now.

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