The Queensland Workplace Health and Safety regulations have recently updated the Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024. These changes focus on making work in roof spaces safer for everyone, protecting both workers and residents.
So, what does this mean for you?
When our technicians need to access the roof space, it’s crucial that we turn the power off in accordance with the ESOLA Regulation. Shutting off the power ensures a safer working environment, protecting both our technicians and the property from potential electrical hazards. Some installations may require us to have the power off for periods of up to 8 hours. If you are unsure how long we may require power to be switched off, please ask one of our friendly staff.
If you urgently need power
If you urgently need power, speak to one of our technicians and we can remove ourselves from the roof and ensure the installation is safe to be re-energised.
Before our technicians arrive: A Quick Checklist
To avoid the least amount of disruption to your day make sure you’re as prepared as possible.
• Charge all electronic equipment, mobile phones, laptops, power banks etc
• Use any house hold appliances, washing machine, dishwasher, clothes dryer, microwave etc
• If you’re working from home be prepared for extended periods of disruption
• Limit opening your fridge & freezer – keeping it closed will help it stay cool
• If life support is onsite please let our team know
For more information please visit this link
Lets get started